Case studies
Read our case studies to get a flavour of the work Scroll does. You can also see a list of our clients.

Helping Changing Health users lead healthier lives

Content audit and pre-election planning at DfE
User-Centred Design for patient letters at MSE NHS Trust

Designing an accessible intranet at Essex Council

Improving the inclusivity of DWP Digital job adverts

Accessible content at Acas

Migrating content at UKRO

Content design training and strategy at Cumbria Council

Delivering LocalGov Drupal training for Essex County Council

Content audit, user research and guidance at MHRA

Content strategy at UCL

Content strategy at HSE

Nine research councils’ content transitioned onto one UKRI site

Transforming content at Barnardo's

User-focused content at the Financial Ombudsman Service
Improving user experience at Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust

Designing the 'Ethnicity facts and figures' website

User-centred content at Acas

Working with GDS on GOV.UK

Writing user-focused content for Scope’s new website

Updating the EHRC website, focusing on user needs

Improving accessibility at UCL